Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Short Animation: Nocturne of the Maharaja

The Nocturne of The Maharaja: a Prelude to a 1000 Nights Above the Sandsea from LG Jun on http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3613/3648662883_d585608091.jpgVimeo.

I made this short animation back in July for a recreational project. I've got a few acquaintances to help do the backdrops and the motion grpahics for the credits, so I can't really say I work alone on this LOL. Regardless, I feel rather productive consider I only have a month to finish this but I managed to model, rig, animate, and edit this entire animation.

This animation was shown in the opening ceremony of a freshmen orientation camp back in my school and is suppose to be a prelude to the camp event. So despite the "to be continue" in the end, there won't be a Part 2.

Due to the short time I was given, I have to force myself into stylising the entire animtion. Thus, the puppetshow-esque visual of it. Primary influences and references would apparently be that of baroque eastern european puppet stopmotion. Albeit more simplified.

A clip from Jiri Trnk's the Hand (1965). Note the puppet 
The backdrops were meant to resemble hand-painted paper cut-outs -- giving the entire animation a more light-hearted and threatical mood.

Of course a add a dash of my own sense of humour into it which I hope isn't really that tasteless.

Hope you like it.